Bionic Commando - Achievements

Bionic Commando - Achievements


Air to Surface
Objective: Complete "Air to Surface" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Barrage" challenge.

Biomech Sweeper
Objective: Complete "Biomech Sweeper" challenge.

Blood Trial
Objective: Complete "Blood Trial" challenge.

Can you dig it?
Objective: Complete "Can you dig it?" challenge.

Close Up
Objective: Complete "Close Up" challenge.

Come Out and Play
Objective: Complete "Come Out and Play" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Cracker" challenge.

Crowd Control
Objective: Complete "Crowd Control" challenge.

Down To Earth
Objective: Complete "Down To Earth" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Drive-by" challenge.

Explosive Delivery
Objective: Complete "Explosive Delivery" challenge.

Fair Fight!
Objective: Complete "Fair Fight!" challenge.

Feel the Beat, Y'all!
Objective: Complete "Feel the Beat, Y'all!" challenge.

Headshot Bonanza
Objective: Complete "Headshot Bonanza" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Incoming!" challenge.

Jabber Man
Objective: Complete "Jabber Man" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Kaboom" challenge.

Kick In The Back
Objective: Complete "Kick In The Back" challenge.

Leap Up!
Objective: Complete "Leap Up!" challenge.

Let the Dog Out
Objective: Complete "Let the Dog Out" challenge.

Man Locked Up
Objective: Complete "Man Locked Up" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Nemesis" challenge.

Out of the Bush
Objective: Complete "Out of the Bush" challenge.

Poly Cruncher
Objective: Complete "Poly Cruncher" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Pull!" challenge.

Receiving End
Objective: Complete "Receiving End" challenge.

Rocket Man
Objective: Complete "Rocket Man" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Shellshock" challenge.

Shoot 'Em Up!
Objective: Complete "Shoot 'Em Up!" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Slayer" challenge.

Spence is in the Air
Objective: Complete "Spence is in the Air" challenge.

Stroke of Luck
Objective: Complete "Stroke of Luck" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Swinger" challenge.

The Pinball Effect
Objective: Complete "The Pinball Effect" challenge.

The River
Objective: Complete "The River" challenge.

Torn Into Pieces
Objective: Complete "Torn Into Pieces" challenge.

Train Wreck
Objective: Complete "Train Wreck" challenge.

Two Hit Wonder
Objective: Complete "Two Hit Wonder" challenge.

Whip 'Em Good
Objective: Complete "Whip 'Em Good" challenge.

Objective: Complete "Whoo-paah!" challenge.

Worthy Foe
Objective: Complete "Worthy Foe" challenge.


Choke on that
Objective: Kill Groeder -- Kill him for good.

I got Hard
Objective: Finish the game in Hard mode.

The Collector
Objective: Find all collectibles in the game.

The Pitcher
Objective: Complete "The Pitcher" challenge.


Bionically Challenged
Objective: Complete all challenges in the game.

End Game
Objective: Complete the final mission.

I went Commando
Objective: Finish the game in Commando mode.


Go-Go Bionic!
Objective: Complete all other Bionic Commando Trophies.