King's Quest: The Complete Collection

King's Quest

Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember - 'Opening Knight' Achievement:
When you are in the well with Achaka there will be a door there with a smaller door built into it which Achaka cannot fit through but you can. After reaching the other side go back so that Achaka blocks you and try to pass through it three times.

Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember - Froggy Throat Achievement:
Go to the location in the far south that has several frogs on rocks near water. If you interact with them Graham will try to catch one. Keep repeating the process until the'Froggy Throat' Achievement is earned.

Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb - Teenaged Townspeople Achievement:
You will get this Achievement when you show ALL 3 pictures of the Townspeople to the painting in the Hag's room.