Prison Architect

Prison Architect

Game Cheats:
At the 'Main' menu click 'Open Saves Folder' and open your prison file, then using notepad edit it as indicated.

Misconduct-Free Prison:
Open save file, find 'EnabledMisconduct', change 'True' to 'False' then save the file and reload the prison.

Unlimited Money:
Open save file, find 'UnlimitedFunds', change 'False' to 'True' then save the file and reload the prison.

Enabling Gangs:
At the 'Main' menu click 'Open Saves Folder' and open your prison file, then using notepad add gangs to a prison created before Alpha 34 by adding 'EnabledGangs' 'True' to each '.prison' file (above 'EnabledDecay').