American Truck Simulator is adding openable windows

American Truck Simulator is adding openable windows

Is your American trucking experience not quite complete unless you can hang your arm out the Window? While that might seem a little silly, it's a feature that fans of American Truck Simulator have been asking for for some time, and SCS Software is finally listening. Coming in patch 1.37, the game will soon have the ability to open windows and not just up or down either. You can even go half way.

It's not just about the visuals associated with such a move however, nor the ability to feel like your arm is out the window when playing in VR, but the sound of it.

"Some may consider it a gimmick," wrote SCS Software, "but many of you have been calling us to introduce this feature for years. So at long last, you can enjoy the continuum of sound levels between a well-insulated cabin with windows closed and the roaring traffic coming from the outside when you roll the windows all the way down. Give it a try especially when you hit a rush hour on the road or at some big junction."

As you can see in the above demonstration, the sound of the game world changes with the new FMOD update, and that's compounded by the ability to open your cab window, which alters the sound reaching your ears, including the doppler effect.

This update is in beta right now, with plans to launch it to the wider player base in the coming weeks.