Battlefield 2042 officially delayed until later this year

Battlefield 2042 officially delayed until later this year

There have been a number of hints and rumors in recent days that the upcoming Battlefield 2042 was going to be delayed, and now developer DICE has confirmed it. The game's release will be pushed back a few months, slating it for an eventual November 19 release, worldwide. This goes counter to what some had suggested in the lead up to this announcement that the game would be delayed until sometime in 2022, but DICE appears more confident than that, and committed to the November launch date.

In its announcement, DICE claimed that the difficulties of working on the game in the pandemic had caused its productivity to slow, and for the game to take longer than expected to reach its state of completion. With the inability to move back into the studios where DICE feels people can work more effectively, it's had to delay the launch of the game.

This news has been welcomed by the community, for the most part. Although there is still a small contingent of gamers who want games released straight away, whether they're done or not, many now see the benefit of waiting until games are more polished, even if it means delays. The insight into the dangers of developer crunch are also better understood today than ever, with more people feeling compassion to the plight of developers and their often enormous workloads.

Battlefield 2042 will now release on November 19. An open beta will still take place in September, so if you want an early play of the game, you'll be able to do so then.