Buy a game through Twitch and the streamer gets five percent

Buy a game through Twitch and the streamer gets five percent

Making donations to your favorite Twitch streamer is one way to help them continue making the content you enjoy watching. You can subscribe to them too. But now Twitch has implemented a new way to send them a few dollars: buying games through the Stream,

Thanks to Twitch now being owned by Amazon, you can make purchases directly through the streaming platform. One common trend for viewers, is buying the game that they see their favourite streamer playing for their entertainment. Moving forward, if they do so, that streamer will receive five percent of the profits.

Better yet, if you buy a piece of DLC through the Twitch platform, be it the website or app, you earn yourself a free Twitch crate, which contains a randomised selection of emotes, badges and bits which gives you further tips you can throw at your favorite streamer. All payments are deducted directly from your Amazon account.

Twitch Games Commerce Announcement from Twitch on Vimeo.

Not all titles are immediately supported by this scheme, with PCGamesN reporting that the current number sits around 50. However that seems likely to expand in the future if the scheme proves successful.

One concern this scheme does raise however, is whether it will affect content. If a streamer knows they can make a few extra bucks by schilling the game they are playing, telling their often young, impressionable audiences that a game is great, when it may not be, they may well do so.

What do you guys think?