Is This The First Gay Mortal Kombat Fighter?

Is This The First Gay Mortal Kombat Fighter?

Mortal Kombat X cinematic director, Dominic Cianciolo, suggested that the game's new fighter Kung Jin might be the series' first gay character.

"I see people are picking up on the subtle exposition contained in Kung Jin's flashback," he tweeted. "Glad we have observant fans!"

In the newly introduced story mode, Mortal Kombat X players get to know about Kung Jin's history through a series of flashbacks. Dominic is probably referring to the beginning of chapter 4 where Raiden advises Jin to join the warrior Shaolin monks. Jin then argues that "they won't accept" but Raiden assures him that "they care only of what is in your heart, not whom your heart desires."

Granted, the conversation may have many valid explanations other than Jin being gay, but Dominic's tweet sways us into that direction.