GeForce 3 MX and Ultra About to Launch

GeForce 3 MX and Ultra About to Launch

The possibility of a new nVidia product launch is always an exciting prospect, but the chance of having two cards released within one weekend is almost unique.

According to the "buzz" the GeForce3 MX will be released on Friday, 24 August. The MX will be a "held back" version of the mainstream GeForce 3 sporting a 175 MHz core and a 200MHz DDR memory clock. Two versions, one with and one without a fan will be made available.

The GeForce3 Pro or Ultra, will see the light of day on Monday, 27 August. Two versions will be released. Both will carry a 240MHz GPU but one will have a 250MHz DDR Memory, while the other will have 260MHz DDR Memory. The former might be what nVidia will call the GeForce 3 Pro while the latter could be the Ultra.

If the "buzz" is right these cards will help nVidia attract attention away from the ATI 7500 and 8500 Radeons, while still giving them time until production. As most know there is always a time lag between launch and ship dates.