Get the most of Voyager Elite Force

Get the most of Voyager Elite Force Get the most of Voyager Elite Force Get the most of Voyager Elite Force

James Monroe, Lead Programmer for Raven Software announced that he has a few aces up his sleeve, using his own words, this is how you do it:

anybody out there interested in 3d-panaramic screenshots?
i always liked them. so i put code in Elite Force to help you out.
(it's even in the demo).
just bring down the console, and type:

pano X

where X is the prefix number for your set of shots. this will generate 10 shots around your location.
you can change the number of shots with panonumshots (or something equally cryptic).
then you can pull the pics into your favorite panoramic tool and off you go. (the game view uses FOV 80 portrait)