Hatred Removed From Greenlight Because Valve "Can't Publish It"

Hatred Removed From Greenlight Because Valve "Can't Publish It" Hatred Removed From Greenlight Because Valve "Can't Publish It" Hatred Removed From Greenlight Because Valve "Can't Publish It"

Valve has removed the game Hatred from Greenlight just a few hours after its debut, citing concerns that the game doesn't meet Steam's publishing standards.

"We wanted you guys to know that based on what we see on Greenlight we would not publish Hatred on Steam," Valve emailed the game's development team at Destructive Creations. "As such we'll be taking it down."

Valve didn't give specific reasons for the delisting, but the Greenlight developer guidelines mandate that submissions "must not contain offensive material or violate copyright or intellectual property rights."

Hatred is described by its creators as "an isometric shooter with disturbing atmosphere of mass killing." This might put it squarely in the "contain offensive material" category, but it is not really clear to us how is it different from Manhunt, Postal or even GTA for that matter.

Destructive Creations decided to respect Valve's decision but continue development of their game unchecked.

"Even though games like Manhunt or Postal are still available on Steam we of course fully respect Valve's decision, as they have the right to do so," said the studio in a statement to the press. "In the same time we want to assure you that this won't in any way impact the game's development, game's vision or gameplay features we're aiming for."