Intel 1.7GHz P4 ships at $352

Intel 1.7GHz P4 ships at $352

Intel as expected released the Pentium 4 1.7 GHz processor on Monday. Most of the price cuts, across the Intel product range, announced earlier, will be implemented by next Sunday.

Information about the price of the new chip was confused, but proved to be accurate since the price introduced for the chip was $352.

The other price cuts expected from Intel are expected to bring the 1.5GHz P4 to $256 and the 1.4GHz t0 $193. Prices which until now got you a top end Pentium 3.
Until the new price cuts come into effect Intel will be selling the 1.7 GHz processor for $167 less than the 1.5 GHz model!!!

Considering that AMD's 1.3 GHz Athlon is priced at $256, this move is bound to produce a reaction from AMD and especially to the pricing of their upcoming processors.

According to researchers Intel has 77.1 per cent of the desktop processor market while AMD 21.1 per cent. One thing is certain, this competition between the two companies has brought Intel down from its high(price)horse and the only winner has been the consumer.