Monster Hunter Rise looks way better on PC

Monster Hunter Rise looks way better on PC

Monster Hunter Rise is coming soon to PC and it'll largely be the same as the base version of the game on the Nintendo Switch. One area that will see improvement though, is the visuals. Resolutions, frame rate, and texturing will all see improvements on the PC version, as well as lighting and shadowing, and the game will enjoy a much greater draw distance, to really extend those vistas to the horizon.

The Monster Hunter franchise has always been pretty, but had to work within the limitations of its hardware. Portable systems and Nintendo consoles didn't give it much room to breath. Monster Hunter World (and to a lesser extent, the Chinese Monster Hunter Online) showed that a good looking Monster Hunter game was not only possible, but a much needed part of the franchise.

Monster Hunter Rise brought a semblance of that uprated experience to home consoles, but the PC version will swing back in favour of PC-level visuals one again. The new version will enjoy a general uplift in visual effects and performance, as well as introducing a number of new post processing effcets, HDR, ultrawide support, and an uncapped frame rate, letting those with powerful systems really stretch their legs.

Monster Hunter Rise is currently slated to debut on PC in January 2022, with an expansion, Sunbreak hitting the Switch in Summer that same year.

Minimum and recommended specs remain reachable though. You'll only need a fourth generation Intel Core i3 and a GT 1030 to get the game running, and a GTX 1060 to hit 30 FPS at 1080p with everything set to medium. For 4K and high settings, however, expect to need something much more capable.