Steam's new News Hub gives you all the dirt on the latest games

Steam's new News Hub gives you all the dirt on the latest games

While we'd encourage you to come to Megagames to get the hottest gaming news, trailers, free games, mods, demos, cracks, and more, we admit there are other sites and publications worth checking out too. One new one to add to the list though, may be Steam's new News Hub. Added as part of Valve's continued Labs experimentations, Steam's new News Hub grabs information from events, livestreams, content updates, and more, all related to your favorite games, and presents it in an easily digestible fashion on both desktop clients and the mobile app.

Using your Steam Library for inspiration, the news hub will also recommend launch trailers and releases to you based on your preferences. But this is all customizable. You can tell the News Hub to focus on games you already own, or those you don't, as well as whether you're interested in live events and streams or not.

In case you are, the live events and updates will take precedence over everything else, giving you a nudge when something goes live and you can immediately jump in to view or join in with it. If you're not, there's plenty else to focus on instead. You can tell it to look at your Wishlist, what games you're following, recommended games, or just Steam in general. There's also options to toggle on and off sales, and new release news, as well as content updates and general News.

"In the coming weeks, we plan to add more options to personalize your News Hub, additional sources for news, and a new overview page to give you a quicker snapshot of the most relevant events for you," Valve said in a statement.

You can check out the new News Hub now in the Steam client and mobile app, or on the Steam website, here.