Upcoming Hitman Reboot Will Be Released Unfinished

Upcoming Hitman Reboot Will Be Released Unfinished

Square Enix announced earlier this week that a new Hitman game will be released on December 8th, 2015, ushering the series' reboot.

Interestingly, the game will retail for $60 even though it won't be finished at launch.

"It is fully complete at launch but it is not finished," said Studio head Hannes Seifert. "What we do is we start the journey on December 8 and what we put out there is going to be a big game. But over the course of 2016 we'll add more locations, more missions and we'll have things like targets that only appear for, say, 2 days. That's something you can only do in the live world."

"We're not an Early Access game because Early Access games are unfinished by definition - you're part of the development," added Seifert. "Everything we ship on December 8 will be completely finished, it will be a very polished experience. It's also going to be a very big game. There are other products that sell a game for $60 and then try to sell you a Season Pass for another $40 on top, so you spend $100 or $120 for all the stuff that happens later on. We said no, we don't want to do that."

If Siefert held true to his words, Hitman fans will get $60 worth of content in the box plus a ton of additional content and DLC for free.