Alive Inside

Alive Inside Alive Inside Alive Inside Alive Inside

This is the story of terminally ill young girl desperate to save her life. She agreed to an experimental procedure in which her consciousness would be transferred out of her dying body and into a computer. It worked. Is the result the scientific breakthrough of the 21st century… or a fate worse than death?

"Alive Inside" is what I would call an experimental kinetic visual novel. It's a story idea that comes from my own questions about life and death, what it means to be human, and whether we can or even should strive for immortality using technology. It’s a psychological horror story that I would like to offer on Steam as a free to play game. The story is short- about 15 minutes long. It is complete as is but it could be expanded or given a sequel if there is interest.
For a short time you will experience what her new "life" is like- the one she must now experience forever.

Meant to be played with headphones on and the lights off!