Hydra 1.2 Ryzen overclocking tool adds Zen 4 support

Hydra 1.2 Ryzen overclocking tool adds Zen 4 support

The 1usmus developed Hydra automated overclocking tool has now been readied for the upcoming Zen 4 Ryzen 7000 CPU launch from AMD. Hydra version 1.2 will support Zen 4 CPUs and even now supports Radeon GPU tuning as well.

1usmus has been at the forefront of Zen CPU tuning for years, first developing a memory timing calculator, before transitioning to creating an automatic overclocking tool in the Ryzen Clock Tuner. That has since evolved into Hydra, a much more capable application that can now tune CPUs and GPUs without any real oversight of input from the user.

Hydra 1.2 updates the original tool with some big changes. It completely overhauls the look and feel of the tool, giving new options for Curve Optimizing including Zen 4 support, improved flexibility for automated PBO overclocking, an automated problem solving assistant if the tool's not working right, automatic GPU tuning and optional profiling, new monitoring system for better temperature and power management, and improved checks and balances to ensure that the tool doesn't damage anything by pushing hardware too much.

The tool is still under development at this time, but it will go out to Patreon supporters in the coming weeks, with a general release sometime in August. It'll be entirely free, so if you're planning a Zen 4 buy, or just want to make the most of your existing Ryzen chip, it's going to be a good Summer.